Osho meditation the true name about Nanak Omkar Guru echo sufi fakir love japuji buddha Ch9Pt3

Ch9Pt3 Osho Meditation True Name Nanak Omkar Guru Echo Sufi Fakir Love Japuji Buddha

Therefore we never keep count of the number of times a child gets punished by his father or mother. The truth is, say the psychiatrists, if a mother has never beaten her child, there cannot be any deep connection between the mother and child; it shows she does not truly recognize him as her own; there is a distance, a gap, between them.

A son never forgives the father who complies with all his demands. Later on in life, he realizes that his father has injured him. The child is not experienced, so his demands have less value. The father has to think and decide what would be good for him because he is more experienced in life. If he really loves his child he will decide on the basis of his own experiences rather than the child's demands. If a man gives his child full freedom, the child will never be able to forgive him.

Nowhere in the world has a child been given so much freedom as recently in the West. During this century Western psychologists have been teaching people to give total freedom to their children. The result has been an unbridgeable gap between the parents and the child. In former days sons feared their fathers; in the West today, the father is afraid of the son. In the past parents were revered and respected. In the West today, the child knows no respect for the elders, not an iota of love or caring. What is the reason? It is only this: as the child grows up he begins to realize the harm his parents have done to him by letting him loose to do as he pleased. He should have been stopped when he did anything wrong. It was their duty to prevent him from going astray since they were experienced, and he was not. They should not have listened to him; they should not have given in to his wishes. This revelation comes but, alas, then it is too late.

Remember this: love cares! Love cares that your life should be good, beautiful, truthful, and attain the highest glory. Indifference is a sign that there is no relationship, that your being born to your particular parents is a mere coincidence for all of you. There is no give and take. There is no feeling of oneness or belonging, with the result that in the West all intrinsic relationships are breaking down.

Love can also punish, because love is so strong and so self-confident that it can bring about creation through destruction. The important thing is that the aim is always creation. If destruction is necessary, there is bound to be a creating aim behind it.

The guru kills the disciple -- completely! He kills him outright -- no father's blows that fall only on the body. Just as water cleanses the body from outside, the father superficially cleanses the life of his son, but the guru hits hard and deep within. He bores inside you to your utmost depth, and will not rest until your ego is completely melted. Until you find such a guru, know that whatever master you follow you will never be able to forgive. Sooner or later it will dawn on you that this man has been wasting your time.

The mark of love is creativity. As long as you are creative in your relationships, you cannot commit sin. How can I sin when I am filled with love? The love gradually spreads and you find yourself hidden in each living being. Then whom will you rob, whom will you cheat? Whom will you deceive, whose pocket will you pick? As love increases you discover that all pockets are yours, and when you harm someone you find you have harmed yourself.

Life is an echo: whatever you do comes back to you. He whose love increases becomes aware that there are no strangers in this world. It is common knowledge that when you love someone, you feel one with him.

You will not want to harm your wife when you realize that by harming her you ultimately harm yourself; because when she is unhappy you also become unhappy. You would wish her to be happy when her happiness increases your potential happiness. One day you comprehend that the sorrow we give others makes us equally sad; the joy we give others makes us equally happy.

But we think in opposite terms -- saving joy for ourselves and wishing sorrow on others. And we feel, perhaps, that in that way our own quota of happiness will be greater. The end result is that you find your own life filled with sorrow because whatever you give returns to you. If you have sown thorns for others, your own life gets surrounded by thorns. And if you go about sowing flowers unconcerned with what others are doing, your life becomes filled with flowers. You reap what you sow. But we do not seem to understand this formula of life.

A woman came to me wanting to divorce her husband. I will never forget what she asked of me. She said, "Show me a way of getting a divorce so that my husband remains miserable for all time to come." She knows very well that her husband will be the happiest person in the world the day she divorces him; she has pestered him endlessly. Now she wants that he be made miserable even after she leaves.

When we are together we wish to give sorrow; when we are apart we wish to give sorrow. Together or apart, if our aim in life is to create sorrow and pain for others, then it can only gradually create a painful wound within ourselves. The wound is of our own making. It comes out of constant attention to provoking pain.

This is what we call karma, the process of actions. Fate, destiny, only mean that whatever you do comes back to you. Though there may be a certain lapse of time, eventually it is bound to bounce back to affect you. Therefore do only what you want to obtain for yourself. If you find yourself in a veritable hell, it is of your own making -- the fruit of what you have been doing for countless births.

People come to me and say, "Bless us so that we may attain happiness." There would be no problem if it were so easy, if one man could just bless everyone and they would find happiness. How could my blessings wash away your misery? Try to understand me and not ask for blessings; that would be mere deception. You have given pain and suffering to others, now you must reap the fruits of your actions; and you come to ask for blessings? And your attitude is that you suffer because I do not give you my blessings. No blessings can remove your suffering. If somebody's blessings help to improve your understanding and sow seeds of love within you, that is more than enough. Sins can be washed away only with love, and suffering can end only when you give happiness to others.

Nanak says: If the mind is filled with sin, only the love for His name can purify it. When you begin to love a person, you find it impossible to harm that person, because then the other's happiness becomes your happiness; the other's sorrow becomes yours. The barrier between your life and your beloved's exists no more; you flow into each other.

When that phenomenon takes place between a person and God, it is called prayer, worship, devotion; it is the ultimate form of love. When it gives so much joy to make someone happy and so much pain to make someone unhappy, the same holds true in the case of you and God. If the relationship is one of love you are in heaven; in the absence of love you find yourself in the depths of hell.

God means totality. You have to love this vast expanse, the whole universe, all that is, as if it were a person. All your sins will be washed away when you fall hopelessly in love with all that is. Then whom will you deceive? Wherever you look He is there; in whatever eye you look you will find Him seated.

Devotion is a revolutionary process. It means now there is none but He. Your life has suddenly become simple, uncomplicated. Now there is no more need to sin, no more need to deceive. Do not think that devotion implies going to the temple to offer worship. Reciting the Japuji early in the morning is not devotion; nor is going to the mosque or church. This will not lead you anywhere.

These are the false keys. The genuine key is to fall in love with the infinite. Now every particle of dust on this earth is entitled to your love. Every inch of this earth is my beloved; every leaf bears the name of my beloved; through every eye He looks at me. Everything is His, everywhere.

When you reach this recognition, however you live your life will be through devotion; it will transform your very way of life. You will sit differently, walk in a different manner, because everywhere you see Him present. You will speak differently if whomever you speak to is He. Now how can you annoy or tell lies about someone; how can you insult someone? How will you escape serving others because in the feet of others you find Him hidden!

When this knowledge dawns on you, you will be in a perpetual ecstasy -- what Nanak refers to as being dyed in His hue. You will possess nothing yet have everything. You will find yourself absolutely alone and yet all the world is with you. There will be a rhythm, a harmony between you and existence; you will have established an intimate contact with existence.

Nanak says only such a love can cleanse you of sin. All worship and recitations, all sacrifices and incantations are of no avail for the basic factor is missing.

I was once traveling on a train. A woman got on at a station with about ten children, who immediately ran from one end of the compartment to the other, upsetting everyone's luggage, getting into everybody's way; there was complete chaos. At last one passenger could bear it no longer when the kids had overturned his bag and torn his newspaper. He turned to the woman and said, "Sister, it would be much better if you didn't travel with so many children. If you have to travel it would be more comfortable for all of us if you left half of them at home." The woman flared up, "Do you take me for a fool? I have left half of them at home!"

When basic understanding is missing, it doesn't matter how many children you leave behind. If the woman did not use her discrimination while producing twenty children, how can you expect her to use her understanding when traveling?

Sins there are thousands, virtue is only one; illnesses are thousands, health is only one. It is not that you have your kind of health and I have mine. You can be ill with tuberculosis, cancer or some other complaint; there can be differences in illnesses. There can be originality. An illness can carry your individual stamp because illness is part of your ego. For different egos there are different illnesses, but health is one. Virtue is one, because God is one. You cannot be different in this context.

What is this health, this well-being, that is one? It is the feeling of love. Try to drown yourself in life, immerse in it little by little. When you get up from your chair, do so as if the beloved is present. Even when you enter a vacant room, do it as if God is present all around.

There was a Sufi fakir by the name of Junaid. He would tell his disciples, "When in a crowd remember your aloneness, then the remembrance of God will be with you. When you go into solitude, go as if God is present all around."

He is right. If you can remember your aloneness in a crowd you can maintain the remembrance of God; otherwise the crowd will seize hold of your attention and you will be led astray. And if you do not maintain the remembrance of God when you are alone, you will lead yourself astray.

Osho The true name vol1


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"} will be led astray. And if you do not maintain the remembrance of God when you are alone, you will lead yourself astray.

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